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GOOGLE Acquires Korean Blog Tool Firm - TNC

by juranus 2008. 9. 14.
구글이 TNC(Tatter and Company)라는 블로깅 소프트웨어 회사를 인수했다는 소식이다.

사실 난 구글의 블로그를 개설만 해 놓고 그 허접함(?)으로 인해 사용하지 않고 있다.
과연 어떻게 구글의 블로그가 변신할 지 지켜볼 일이다.

사용자 삽입 이미지
Google has reportedly acquired its first Korean company, a blogging software in Korea called TNC (Tatter and Company), for an undisclosed amount of money.

The founder Chang Kim blogged about the purchase tonight. He said it is one of the first Google acquisitions in Aisa.

TNC says it provides professional blogging software and services to more than 400,000 users, including 65 of Korea’s top 100 bloggers (as of the first half of 2007). The company received and undisclosed amount of funding from Softbank Ventures’ Ranger Fund, which invests in Web startups.

We haven’t been able to confirm any of this, but Kim emailed us a link to his blog and here’s a relevant paragraph on the details:

…think of TNC as Korea’s Automattic - a company that develops a cool blogging platform that’s favorited by the nation’s A-list bloggers, and also works closely with the open source community. Despite the danger of sounding too self-important, I would say our company was a fairly good acquisition target for Google. First, we had a killer product: Our previous work, Tistory blog service (now property of Daum as we sold the service to the Korea’s #2 portal), made to the top 10 Korean web destination in less than a year from launch, showing some 30,000% growth over the initial 8 months. While other blog services seem to be exploring the idea of integrating social networks with blogs only lately, our new blog service Textcube (link in Korean) had already implemented the feature much earlier. Secondly, we have great engineering talents. Many of our software engineers hail from the nation’s leading comp sci programs, such as KAIST.
