스페인어에서 Diablo 마왕, Demonio 악마가 사용된 관용 표현을 정리했습니다. 공부하면서 느낀 것이지만 우리나 서양(스페인)이나 생각이 비슷한 것 같습니다. 이러한 관용 표현을 통해 그들의 문화도 약간은 이해할 수 있는 것 같습니다.
본 글의 내용은 스페인어 교육/공부를 위한 스페인어 사용 국가의 인터넷 사이트와 유튜브 등에서 알려주는 내용을 공부하면서 정리한 것입니다. 스페인어를 독학으로 공부를 하고 있습니다.
※ 단어의 품사 표기
남성명사 = nm, 여성명사 = nf, 동사 = v, 형용사 = a, 부사 = ad, 전치사 = prep, 접속사 = conj
악마, 마왕과 관련된 스페인어 관용 표현
Diablo 마왕
hacer un pacto con el diablo
: (직역) making a pact with the devil
: someone who looks much younger than her actual age.
: 악마와 협정/약속을 맺다. → 실제 나이보다 어려 보이다. 동안이다.
✒️ Mi profesora de ballet ha hecho un pacto con el diablo. Tiene 65 años y parece mi hermana.
→ My ballet teacher has made a pact with the devil. She is 65 years old and looks like my sister.
→ 나의 발레 교사는 엄청 동안이다. 그녀는 65세인데 내 여동생처럼 젊어 보인다.
pacto: nm. covenant, pact, agreement
El matrimonio es un pacto de amor y respeto. → Marriage is a covenant of love and respect.
diablo: nm. devil 마왕
Sin encomendarse ni a Dios ni al Diablo
: (직역) Without commending herself to God or the Devil.
: without thinking about it
: 자신을 신이나 마왕에게 맡기지 않고 → 생각 없이 충동적으로 행동하는, 앞뒤 생각 없이
✒️ Sin encomendarse ni a Dios ni al diablo salió corriendo para empujar al niño y salvarle del atropello.
→ Without commending herself to God or the devil she ran out to push the boy and save him from being run over.
→ 앞뒤 생각 없이 그는 달려가서 소년을 밀쳤다. 그래서 그 소년이 차에 치일 뻔 한 걸 구했다.
encomendar: v. entrust, commend 맡기다, 위임하다
El director encomendó al comité trabajar en una nueva estrategia. → The manager mandated the committee to work on a new strategy.
Dios: nm. God
Gracias a Dios = Thankfully
empujar: v. push, shove, nudge
Él se ofreció a empujar la silla de ruedas de su abuelo. → He offered to push his grandfather's wheelchair.
Empujé la puerta hasta que conseguí cerrarla. → I shoved the door until I managed to close it.
Mi jefe empujó los papeles en su escritorio hacia mí. → My boss nudged the papers on his desk towards me.
atropello: nm. outrage, violation, run over
atropellar: v. run sbd.sth over, violate, knock down
la atropelló un taxi → she was knocked down or run over by a taxi
una multitud de gente me atropelló mientras paseaba → a crowd of people barged into me as I was out walking
ser el abogado del diablo/hacer de abogado del diablo
: (직역) to be the devil's advocate/play devil's advocate
: to defend the guilty party or the one who nobody wants to defend
: 마왕의 변호를 하다. → 일반적인 통념과 반대 입장을 취하는 상황
✒️ En cuanto descubrimos que Jacinta había hecho el agujero en la pared, su hermano hizo de abogado del diablo.
→ As soon as we discovered that Jacinta had made the hole in the wall, her brother played the devil's advocate.
→ 우리가 하씬타가 벽에 구멍을 낸 것을 발견했을 때, 그녀의 오빠는 그녀를 변호했다.
descubrir: v. discover, find (out), uncover, detect, show
Los niños pequeños descubren algo nuevo cada día. → Small children discover something new every day.
He descubierto un restaurante agradable cerca de mi nueva casa. → I have found a nice restaurant near my new home.
La investigación policial descubrió la verdad. → The police investigation uncovered the truth.
agujero: nm. hole, bore
He taladrado un agujero en la pared. → I have drilled a hole in the wall.
El minero hizo un agujero en el suelo con una perforadora. → The miner made a bore in the ground with a drill.
pared: nf. wall
es como hablarle a la pared → it’s like talking to a brick wall
abogado: nm. lawyer, counsel, advocate
El abogado ayudó a resolver el asunto. → The lawyer helped settle the issue.
Mi abogado me da asesoría legal. → My counsel gives me legal advice.
lo/la/los/las carga el diablo
: (직역) the devil is the devil's advocate
: something is unwieldy or dangerous
: 무언가 다루기 어렵거나 위험한 것을 묘사
✒️ Ten cuidado con los profesores de esa universidad porque los carga el diablo.
→ Be careful with the professors at that university because they are carried by the devil.
→ 그 대학교의 교수들을 조심해라. 그들은 매우 엄하고 까칠하다. (?)
carga: nf. load, burden, charge
Las cargas pesadas se transportan en barco. → Heavy loads are transported by ship.
Si la carga de responsabilidad es demasiado grande, podemos compartirla. → If the burden of responsibility is too heavy, we can share it.
La luz verde significa que la carga de la batería es suficiente. → The green light means the battery charge is sufficient.
cargar: v. charge, load, burden
Cargué mi teléfono porque la batería estaba agotada. → I charged my phone because the battery was dead.
Cargué el papel en la impresora. → I loaded the paper into the printer.
No quiero cargarte con mis problemas. → I do not want to burden you with my problems.
cuidado: nm. care, attention, nursing, heed
Nuestra piel necesita cuidados diarios. → Our skin needs daily care.
La piel sensible requiere un cuidado especial. → Sensitive skin needs special care.
Los bebés necesitan un cuidado constante durante el primer año. → Babies need constant attention during the first year.
como alma que lleva el diablo
: (직역) like the soul that carries the devil
: to get out quickly, like a bat out of hell
: 쏜살같이, 매우 빠르게 나오는
✒️ Volvió a casa como alma que lleva al diablo porque se había dejado el horno encendido.
→ He returned home like the devil takes the devil because he had left the oven on.
→ 그는 집으로 쏜살같이 돌아왔다. 왜냐하면 그는 오븐을 켜 놓았었기 때문에.
dejar: v. allow, quit, stop, drop, put (down)
Dejé que la mezcla se enfriara por media hora. → I allowed the mixture to cool for half an hour.
Sentí la imperiosa necesidad de dejar el trabajo y empezar de nuevo. → I felt the compelling need to quit my job and start over.
Dejé una clase porque tenía demasiada tarea. → I dropped a class because I had too much homework.
horno: nm. oven, stove, furnace
Corté el pollo a la mitad y lo puse en el horno. → I cut the chicken in half and put it in the oven.
El trabajador fundió hierro en el horno. → The worker melted iron in the furnace.
encendido: a. on, burning, switched on / nm. ignition
En muchos motores, el encendido lo provoca una chispa. → In many engines, ignition is triggered by a spark.
Demonio 악마
ser un demonio
: (직역) be a devil
: being bad
: 사악하다, 속이 무척 검다
✒️ Mi hijo no hace más que pelearse con los otros niños. Es un demonio.
→ My son does nothing but fight with the other kids. He is a demon.
→ 나의 아들은 그저 다른 아이들과 다투었을 뿐이다. 그는 사악하다.
pelearse: v. quarrel, fight
Los niños hicieron las paces(peaces) después de pelearse. → The children made up after fighting.
llevar a alguien a los demonios
: (직역) to drive someone to demons
: to get on someone's nerves
: 신경을 거슬리게 하다, 짜증 나게 하다, 미치게 하다.
✒️ La voz de ese actor me lleva a los demonios.
→ That actor's voice drives me to hell.
→ 저 배우의 음성은 나를 미치게 한다.
llevar: v. carry, lead, take sth. to sbd.
El padre lleva a su hija a hombros. → The father carries his daughter on his shoulders.
Mi padre se estableció en el campo para llevar una vida tranquila. → My father settled in the countryside to lead a quiet life.
El guía turístico nos llevó a través de las antiguas ruinas. → The tour guide conducted us through the ancient ruins.
actor: nm. actor, plaintiff(법;원고)
del demonio
: (직역) of the demon
: exclamation about something extraordinarily negative
: 뭔가 부정적인 것에 대한 감탄적 표현. 망할 ~,
✒️ Ha sido un examen del demonio. No creo que lo apruebe.
→ It was a demon test. I don't think I'll pass.
→ 정말 힘든(망할) 시험이있다. 통과하지 못할 것 같아.
examen: nm. test, exam, review
Los estudiantes se prepararon para el examen y lo aprobaron. → The students prepared for the test and passed it.
El informe proporciona un examen de los proyectos actuales. → The report provides a review of the current projects.
aprobar: v. approve, pass
El Gobierno aprobó una enmienda al proyecto de ley. → The government approved an amendment to the bill.
He aprobado todos mis exámenes y me merezco unas vacaciones. → I have passed all my exams and deserve a holiday.
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